William A. "Bill" Eagleson Society - Planned Giving American Heritage Museum & Collings Foundation
In conjunction with the American Heritage Museum’s Historic Aircraft Demonstration - The Boston Chapter of Women in Aviation International will host Girls in Women in Aviation - Boston Chapter on - this weekend - Sept. 21st & 22nd! Free to students 18 years and younger with registration. More information see: www.americanheritagemuseum.org/event/history-takes-flight-historic-aircraft-exhibition/ ... See MoreSee Less
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Here is this week’s challenge for “What is it Wednesday?” - a close up of something in the museum or our collection for you to guess what it is in the comments!What is it?! We are looking for what it might be part of within the museum and, for more of a challenge, what the exact part is and what it does! Thanks to everyone who played last week… the answer for September 4 was the recoil mechanism of the German StuG III Ausf. G… see the previous post for the full details!Good luck on this week’s challenge! #americanheritagemuseum #historymuseum #visitma ... See MoreSee Less
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The answer to the “What is it? Wednesday” question of September 4th is the recoil mechanism of the Sturmgeschutz III Ausf. G (StuG III), a German self-propelled assault gun for infantry support. This component is found right above the breech just inside the top hatch. The recoil mechanism is a hydro-pneumatic cylinder that improves accuracy where, when fired, the barrel's energy is taken up in compressing the air as the barrel recoils backward, then is dissipated via hydraulic damping as the barrel returns forward to the firing position. Some keen observers noted that a tell-tale giveaway that this was a German vehicle was the fact the interior is painted in a buff color. The StuG III can be found in the Eastern Front gallery at the AHM.Stay tuned for the next “What is it? Wednesday” later today!#americanheritagemuseum #whatisitwednesday ... See MoreSee Less
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Remembering the 9/11 attacks that resulted in the deaths of approximately 2,977 people. This includes 246 passengers and crew members on the four hijacked planes, 2,606 people in the World Trade Center and surrounding areas, and 125 people at the Pentagon. Among the 2,977 victims, 412 were first responders—343 firefighters, 72 law enforcement officers, and 55 military personnel. The tragic loss of life on that day had profound effects on many families, communities and the country as a whole. ... See MoreSee Less
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Every year when we host the October 12th and 13th Battle for the airfield WWII re-enactment we are honored to have the WWII Veterans roundtable. As the years pass, it is increasingly harder to find WWII vets to participate. Do you know a WWII Veteran interested in talking about his or her adventures during the war? Please contact Hunter Chaney at hchaney@collingsfoundation.org. ... See MoreSee Less
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The William A. “Bill” Eagleson Society

William A. "Bill" Eagleson Society - American Heritage Museum and Collings Foundation Planned Giving and Legacy Society

A B-24 Liberator bombardier serving with the 453rd Bomb Group in World War II, William A. “Bill” Eagleson, was one of the earliest volunteers with the Collings Foundation back in the 1980’s. When the foundation acquired the B-24 Liberator project in 1986, Bill was one of a handful of local veterans who dedicated an enormous amount of time in the restoration of the aircraft which was originally intended to be a non-flying display only. Bill understood that the legacy of the veterans who flew and fought over the skies of Europe and the Pacific would only be remembered through the preservation of the B-24 and campaigned to not only restore the aircraft, but restore it to airworthy condition so it could be brought to all corners of the United States to educate future generations about the sacrifices of our World War II veterans. He was determined to develop and support the living history programs of the Collings Foundation to keep the heritage of he and his fellow veterans alive well past his own lifetime. As a result, Bill became the first of the Dedicated Crew of the B-24 Liberator… a leadership giving level that spearheaded the restoration back to flying condition.

What he helped us to start many decades ago with the B-24 Liberator has evolved into the American Heritage Museum that you see today.

Though Bill Eagleson passed in October 2007, his spirit and dedication lives on as the American Heritage Museum grows and keeps his story, along with countless others, alive for future generations.

As a supporter of our mission, there is no doubt that you share that same desire as Bill… and we welcome you to join the society developed in his memory. The William A. Eagleson Society is a group of supporters who have made provisions for the American Heritage Museum and Collings Foundation through their estate planning or who support the Museum’s endowment. Society members are recognized for their dedication to our future by including the American Heritage Museum and Collings Foundation in their will or as a beneficiary after their passing.

Members of the William A. Eagleson Society receive recognition in the following ways:

– Listing in the Museum’s Annual Magazine & Report

– Listing on the William A. Eagleson Society wall inside the Museum and on the website

– Invitation to our annual Supporter Appreciation Luncheon

– A William A. Eagleson Society Lapel pin

How to become a member of the William A. “Bill” Eagleson Society

If you wish to become a member of the William A. “Bill” Eagleson Society, please choose from the options below. If you don’t currently have a will or trust, you can create a legally binding will for free through our partnership with FreeWill through the link below. If you already have a will or trust, you can let us know of your plans through the other link below at the right and we will contact you.

I need to create a will…

If you are ready to write a will or trust, we can help through our partnership with FreeWill to create or update a will. Learn how you can support the American Heritage Museum and Collings Foundation through your will and become a member of the William A. “Bill” Eagleson Society.

Learn More

I already have a will…

If you have already made or hope to make provisions in your will or trust, naming the American Heritage Museum or Collings Foundation as part of your legacy plans, please fill out the form at this link powered by FreeWill to become a a member of the William A. “Bill” Eagleson Society.

Learn More

Questions? Reach out to us.

If you have any questions about membership to the society, please contact Ryan Keough, Director of Development at rkeough@americanheritagemuseum.org or call 978-562-9182 x203.



Join us this weekend for WWII Tank Demonstration Weekend, Saturday, August 17th and Sunday, August 18th! Event tickets can be pre-purchased at the link below - all museums are included in event admission. Please note: General Admissions tickets not available this weekend.