Presentation on the Six Triple Eight today at the American Heritage Museum! Starts at 1pm. Hope you can make it. See: www.americanheritagemuseum.org/event/speaker-series-the-six-triple-eight-all-black-all-female-bat... ... See MoreSee Less
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Another great reason to become a member of the American Heritage Museum... we are proud to announce that we are now part of the North American Reciprocal Museum Association (NARM) that affords select AHM member levels to have free access to over 1,400 museums nationwide! www.americanheritagemuseum.org/2025/02/the-american-heritage-museum-is-now-part-of-the-north-amer... ... See MoreSee Less
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Join us at the American Heritage Museum this Friday, February 28th, 1:00pm to 2:30pm for an engaging talk by Melodye Whatley on the Six Triple Eight. See: www.americanheritagemuseum.org/event/speaker-series-the-six-triple-eight-all-black-all-female-bat...During World War II, a groundbreaking unit of African American women in the U.S. Army made history while overcoming racism, sexism, and the challenges of war. The 6888th Central Postal Directory Battalion, known as the Six Triple Eight, was the only all-Black, all-female unit to be deployed overseas during WWII. Their mission was both crucial and daunting: to clear a massive backlog of undelivered mail that had piled up in Europe, delaying vital communication between soldiers and their loved ones. ... See MoreSee Less
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Two great presentations at the American Heritage Museum this Saturday: Baker Company, 21st Marines, and 3rd Navy Medical Battalion re-enactors will have a presentation and table displays of equipment, weapons, and gear to educate the public on the Battle of Iwo Jima that took place February 19- March 26, 1945.From 1pm to 2pm there will be a lecture by Jason Cleary about US firefighting during WWII. Hope to see you here! More information see: www.americanheritagemuseum.org/events/ ... See MoreSee Less
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The American Heritage Museum is open 10am to 5pm all this week for school break. Hope to see you soon! ... See MoreSee Less
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Some Options for Your Bequest

As you consider adding the American Heritage Museum and Collings Foundation to your planned giving arrangements, there are several ways to add language to your will or trust to add our organization as a beneficiary. Please see the examples below for bequest options and sample language.

Specific Bequest: “I bequeath Twenty Thousand ($20,000) Dollars [or: all my xxxx stock] to Collings Foundation, Inc. dba American Heritage Museum, a Massachusetts non-profit organization EIN 47-1954671, located in Hudson, MA.”

Residuary Bequest: “I bequeath Ten Percent (10%) of the residue of my estate to Collings Foundation, Inc. dba American Heritage Museum, a Massachusetts non-profit organization EIN 47-1954671, located in Hudson, MA.”

Contingent Bequest:  “If my nephew does not survive me or is unable to inherit this bequest, I direct that it be paid to Collings Foundation, Inc. dba American Heritage Museum, a Massachusetts non-profit organization EIN 47-1954671, located in Hudson, MA.”

Please speak with your financial planner to learn which option is right for you. And, let us know if we may include you in our planned giving society!


Suggested wording to Make a Bequest to American Heritage Museum and Collings Foundation

The unconditional bequest  . . .
“I hereby give, devise, and bequeath to Collings Foundation, Inc. dba American Heritage Museum, 568 Main Street, Hudson, MA 01749 (EIN 47-1954671)  __________ percent of the rest, residue and remainder of my property, real and personal, (or the sum of $ ________ or other appropriately described property to be paid out of the real of personal property) owned by me at my death to be used for the living history and education purposes of the American Heritage Museum.”

The contingent bequest . . .
“. . . If any other the above-named beneficiaries should predecease me, then I give, devise, and bequeath the property, real or personal, which said beneficiary of beneficiaries would have received if they had survived me, to Collings Foundation, Inc. dba American Heritage Museum, 568 Main Street, Hudson, MA 01749 (EIN 47-1954671) to be used for the living history and education purposes of the American Heritage Museum.”

The bequest of residue . . .
“I give, devise, and bequeath to Collings Foundation, Inc. dba American Heritage Museum, 568 Main Street, Hudson, MA 01749 (EIN 47-1954671) all the rest of my property, real and personal, to be used for the living history and education purposes of the American Heritage Museum.”

The specific purpose bequest . . .
“I give and bequeath to Collings Foundation, Inc. dba American Heritage Museum, 568 Main Street, Hudson, MA 01749 (EIN 47-1954671) the sum of $__________ to establish the  ______________ Fund, the net income of which is to be used for _________. If at some future date, in the opinion of the Board of Trustees of Collings Foundation, Inc., the income from this fund is no longer needed for the aforementioned purposes, then the Board is authorized to use said income and principal for the living history and education purposes of the American Heritage Museum.”


Questions? Reach out to us.

If you have any questions about this process or what might work best for your needs, please contact Ryan Keough, Director of Development at rkeough@americanheritagemuseum.org or call 978-562-9182 x203.


OPEN ALL WEEK FOR MA SCHOOL BREAK - Including Monday and Tuesday

We will be open all week for Presidents Day / MA School Break Week from Monday, February 17th through Sunday, February 23rd from 10am to 5pm each day. A great opportunity for families to visit on the school break. Buy tickets at the Admissions Desk or save $2 per ticket by buying online!