Today is Rosie the Riveter Day, honoring the iconic symbol of female empowerment during WWII. Rosie represented the millions of women who entered industrial jobs, proving their strength and capability. Despite facing discrimination, they paved the way for workplace rights and gender equality. Rosie’s legacy lives on in today’s fight for equal pay, representation, and opportunity—reminding us: “We Can Do It!”Read our full article about today's importance at: bit.ly/4hDJaly#americanheritagemuseum #rosietheriveter #rosietheriveterday #celebratewomen #womenshistorymonth #inspiringwomentoday #worldwarii #wwii #arsenalofdemocracy ... See MoreSee Less
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One of the goals of the American Heritage Museum is to encourage our visitors to learn about the veterans in your own family and reflect on the experiences they went through during their service. When we first started, our focus was on our World War II veteran community, but sadly, many of our WWII veterans are no longer with us and many family members only learned about their service after their passing. Think of the WWII veteran that was in your life... family or friend. What is the one question you'd ask them today if they were still with us? Such questions may inspire others who have veterans in their life to ask the same and keep their stories alive. Please share your questions in the comments. Photo of WWII B-24 pilot Frank Tedesco (1921-2020), 451st BG and friend of the Collings Foundation via Emily Clark - Wicked Local (2013)#WWII #veterans #WWIIveteran #veteranlife #AmericanHeritageMuseum ... See MoreSee Less
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Read the full post at: bit.ly/3FkwQZMThat old saying “the devil is in the details” certainly holds true for the ongoing restoration of Consolidated PBY-5A Catalina BuNo 2459 in New Smyrna Beach, FL at American Aero Services. Though the exterior restoration is mostly complete, the interior restoration to bring the aircraft back to accurate 1942 wartime configuration has been an enormous task that has tested the skills of the restoration crew led by project manager Casey Littrell. Because the aircraft arrived from Europe with little original equipment, nearly all of the interior components have either had be found or fabricated. And considering the early vintage of this PBY, original equipment is scarce… so just sourcing the materials is a monumental task in its own right. And for items that need to be fabricated, finding original drawings or photos to accurately reconstruct items is an additional challenge... (continued)Please read the full update with a gallery of photos at: bit.ly/3FkwQZM#PBYCatalina #PBY5A #FlyingBoat #USNavy #NavalAviation #AvGeek ... See MoreSee Less
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The American Heritage Museum is pleased to announce the launch of our first BSA Merit Badge Program for Scouting America for the American Heritage Merit Badge. Learn More at: bit.ly/43DVnDdEvery Scout swears to an oath that includes duty to their country. The American Heritage Merit Badge encourages a better understanding of American heritage, learn the ways in which the past has lead to our present nation, and truly knowing what it means to be an American.The American Heritage Merit Badge at the American Heritage Museum is a three-hour long program, which includes museum admission and a guided tour for scouts and leaders. By the end of the program (prerequisites required) the scout will have completed all requirements to earn the merit badge. The program is conducted by a registered BSA Merit Badge Councilor. A minimum of 10 scouts and 2 BSA registered adults is required per session and adults may be asked to assist.The program cost is $40 per Scout and BSA registered adults are free. To learn more about the program and to schedule, see: bit.ly/43DVnDd ... See MoreSee Less
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Presentation on the Six Triple Eight today at the American Heritage Museum! Starts at 1pm. Hope you can make it. See: www.americanheritagemuseum.org/event/speaker-series-the-six-triple-eight-all-black-all-female-bat... ... See MoreSee Less
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Impact the future of the American Heritage Museum and the Collings Foundation with Planned Giving through your will, trust, or beneficiary designation.

Your dedication to our living history mission can become a part of your own personal legacy through planned giving. As you work though these plans with your family, please look through the resources we have provided below to help you determine how to best add the American Heritage Museum and Collings Foundation into your giving plans.

You are ready to write a will or trust…

If you are ready to write a will or trust, we can help through our partnership with FreeWill to create or update a will. Learn how you can support the American Heritage Museum and Collings Foundation through your will.

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You have already included us in your will…

If you have already made provisions in your will or trust, naming the American Heritage Museum or Collings Foundation as part of your plans, please let us know at this link to become a part of our planned giving society.

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You’d like to name us as a beneficiary…

Outside of a will, assets like IRAs, 401(k)s, pensions, life insurance policies, and certain bank and brokerage accounts can have beneficiaries named to make transfer faster than assets through probate.

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You need bequest language to add to your will…

As you develop your will or trust, you have a number of bequest options to name the American Heritage Museum and Collings Foundation as a beneficiary. See examples of bequest language to add to your existing plans here.

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The William A. “Bill” Eagleson Society

The William A. "Bill" Eagleson Society - American Heritage Museum / Collings Foundation Planned and Legacy Giving

The William A. “Bill” Eagleson Society honors our supporters who have told us of their plans to leave a legacy through the American Heritage Museum and the Collings Foundation. To learn more about the William A. “Bill” Eagleson Society, please click here. 

Questions? Reach out to us.

If you have any questions about this process or what might work best for your needs, please contact Ryan Keough, Director of Development at rkeough@americanheritagemuseum.org or call 978-562-9182 x203.


OPEN ALL WEEK FOR MA SCHOOL BREAK - Including Monday and Tuesday

We will be open all week for Presidents Day / MA School Break Week from Monday, February 17th through Sunday, February 23rd from 10am to 5pm each day. A great opportunity for families to visit on the school break. Buy tickets at the Admissions Desk or save $2 per ticket by buying online!